• +38349866788
  • Rr. Gëzim Hamza-Piktori,96
  • Hëne - Premtë 9.00 - 17.00

Campaign for “Plant Trees”

Supported by ReLOaD2 and the partner youth organization in Rahovec, SHL Kosovo, we have organized a successful tree planting campaign in Rahovec. 35 students participated in this event.

During this visit, our students were able to understand the importance of nature and the environment deeper by planting different types of flowers together.

This campaign is organized by Lahuta – youth coordinator.

This activity is supported by the Regional Programme for Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2 (ReLOaD2), funded by the European Union (EU) in Kosovo and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Kosovo) in partnership with the municipality of Rahovec.

@European Union in Kosovo

@ UNDP Kosovo

@Regional Programme on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2

#ReLOaD 2 #LocalDemocracy#WesternBalkans#UNDPEUPartnership#EuropeanUnioninKosovo#UNDPKosovo

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   Rr. Gëzim Hamza-Piktori, 96

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