• +38349866788
  • Rr. Gëzim Hamza-Piktori,96
  • Hëne - Premtë 9.00 - 17.00


English Course Certificates

Certificate distribution to our volunteers for English course ( gaining basic knowledge and improving English proficiency in the unique context of tourism and hospitality) Thank you for the opportunity Green Art Center. Thank you coach Linda Simitciu.

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Young Artists

Rahovec’s young artists group led by prof. Zara Xh Popaj and coordinated by Lahuta Dula and SHL-Kosova, have been activated with the idea of improving public environments where children have access to and carry out daily activities care and learning. Through this initiative they have managed to transform the nursery environment of the city into […]

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“The World We Want to Live In.”

From February 29 to March 4, Klub Kulture in Bjelopolje, Montenegro welcomed an exceptional gathering of youth from SHL-K, Rahovec Kosovo, and  Ars Publika from  Skopje North Macedonia. The event’s primary purpose was to create a space for cultural and idea exchange, with a specific focus on the theme “The World We Want to Live […]

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“We are the world”

As part of the project “We are a world”, today we held an online meeting called “Rules of the Game”. The meeting was attended by members of the project team, local coordinators and young people from Bijelo Polje, Rahovec and Skopje, who will be participants in the project. The purpose of the meeting is for […]

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New English Course

English language course It is being held every Monday and Wednesday by American volunteer Kevin North. For registrations message us.

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Shl-Kosova po zbaton projektin “UNDP-se dhe ReLOaD2.” në kuadër të Programit Rajonal mbi Demokracinë Lokale në Ballkanin Perëndimor 2 (ReLOaD2), i cili financohet nga Bashkimi Evropian dhe zbatohet nga Programi i Kombeve të Bashkuara për Zhvillim (UNDP), duke mbështetur komunat në zhvillimin e mekanizmave transparente të financimit për OSHC-të, në mënyrë që të përmirësojë ofrimin […]

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   Rr. Gëzim Hamza-Piktori, 96

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